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- Birth And After
- Childbirth Counseling
In addition to Childbirth Classes DOUM also offers a counseling service. You might consider a counseling session prior to your decision to join a childbirth class or instead of a childbirth class if you do not have the opportunity to join one.
You can book an hour (or more) with us to discuss anything related to your pregnancy or birth plan including the questions below. Except of course health issues that need to be discussed with your doctor...
> I want a natural birth. How should I pick my doctor and hospital?
> What is the birthing environment like in Turkey?
> What is the situation with home-births and midwives in Turkey?
> I am considering a natural birth but I am scared.
> How can I prepare for childbirth?
> Who can I turn to for support during pregnancy and labour?
> I need to have a cesarean section. What can I do to make it a positive experience for me and my baby?
> I want my partner with me during labour. But he is scared.
> How can I use meditation and breathing techniques in labour?